2025 Overton Park Junior Open Rules
Overton Park Junior Open has the ability to modify and/or incorporate local rules prior to 2025 event
USGA Rules will govern play except where local rules take precedent. See Local Rules at the end of this page.
Check-in: All contestants should verify their presence at the course at the Player Check-in Station (at clubhouse) at least 15 minutes prior to his/her tee time.
Warm-up: Other than the practice putting and chipping green, Overton Park has no range or place on which to warm-up (full swings) prior to a round.
If late to first tee: A contestant must be at the first tee at his/her scheduled start time. If arriving at the first tee after his/her group has teed-off, a contestant will be disqualified IF:
- During the qualifying round (medal play), all members of that group have completed their approach shots to #1 green.
- During match play, all members of that group have completed hole #1 and made their tee shots on #2. However, if player arrives in time to join the group on #2 tee, disqualification will be waived, but the tardy contestant will automatically lose hole #1.
Be ready: Each contestant is expected to play without undue delay. Once their turn to play, a contestant should take not more than 40 seconds to play his/her shot. (Helpful hint: Take no more than 2 practice swings to save time.)
Practicing during the round: Practicing between holes is not allowed, including on the putting green during qualifying round (medal play). However, practicing between holes is allowable during match play.
Max score per hole during the qualifying round (medal play): A contestant should take no more than the number of strokes equal to twice the par on a particular hole (i.e., 6 on a par 3 or 8 on a par 4). Once this maximum number of strokes has been reached, the contestant must stop playing that hole and record the “double-par” on their scorecard. This max score includes any penalty stroke(s) incurred in the playing of that hole.
Max score during match play: While there is no max score per hole during match play, a contestant should pick-up his/her ball and stop playing if he/she cannot possibly win that hole, and concede the hole so that the match can immediately move to the next tee.
Cell phones: Cell phones should not be used by contestants or caddies during a round (except for use to obtain yardage information or to communicate an emergency situation).
Range finders: Distance-measuring devices may be used.
Additional suggestion: We highly encourage each contestant to read and follow the "Tips and Suggestions for Improving Pace of Play" as published by the USGA.
The OPJO encourages all players to have a parent, guardian, family member, or friend caddie for them during tournament rounds. All players in the 7–8 and 9–10 age groups MUST have a caddie assist them. For all age groups, caddies under the age of 15 must be approved by the tournament committee at the Player Check-in station or by a Starter at the first tee.
At the first tee Starter's tent, each caddie will be asked to read a "Caddie Guidelines" document, then sign that sheet to acknowledge their understanding and adherence to the guidelines.
At the first tee Starter's tent, each caddie will be given an official caddie bib which MUST be worn during the round to designate his/her affiliation with the contestant and eligibility to walk in fairways (spectators may not). The bib is a souvenir gift to the contestant who is responsible for making sure his/her caddie saves and wears the bib each tournament day.
HOWEVER, caddies are NOT allowed to accompany their player on the greens. Players will be solely responsible for reading putts. Once reaching each green, caddies should relocate to an area marked by ground paint which will be located adjacent to that green in the direction of the next hole.
At the completion of each round: Scorecards must be taken to the official Scoring and Results area (at clubhouse) where results will be verified and recorded. Once reviewed and accepted by the scoring officials, results will be deemed final and posted.
Shortened rounds: If it becomes necessary to shorten a round (for inclement weather reasons, for example), at least 5 holes (#1 through #5) must be completed in order to make that round official whether playing seven or nine holes.
If rules or scoring questions during the the Monday qualifying round (medal play): Rules officials on the course should be consulted. If officials are not available, in order that play not be delayed, continue the round but discuss the question or issue when submitting scorecards after the round at the official Scoring and Results area where a ruling will be made.
If rules or scoring questions arise during match play (Tuesday through Thursday): All disputes must be settled between the players in the match before moving on to the next hole. If necessary, a rules official should be asked to assist.
The tournament organization clearly does not want to disqualify a contestant for an unknowing breach of the Rules of Golf that would normally result in his/her disqualification. While each situation may be different, the rules committee reserves the right not to invoke disqualification, BUT does reserve the right to:
- During Monday’s qualifying round (medal play), to add 2 strokes to the offending contestant’s score for the round or on each hole on which a disqualifying rule is violated.
- During Tuesday through Thursday’s rounds (match play), to award “automatic loss of hole” on each hole on which a disqualifying rule is violated.
In general: Contestants, caddies, and spectators are expected to display proper etiquette,sportsmanship, and behavior at all times during their involvement with the OPJO. The tournament aims to provide a positive experience for everyone involved and reserves the right to penalize and/or dismiss any contestant or caddie at any time for a violation of this objective.
Violations include, but are not limited to: Abusive language, club throwing, cheating, disrespect of volunteers or officials or fellow players, abuse of the golf course or Overton Park facilities, littering, or any such conduct unbecoming a participant.
Dress code: Contestants and caddies are prohibited from wearing shoes with metal spikes, short shorts or cut-offs , swimwear, tank tops, sandals, and flip-flops. Shirts must be worn at all times and should not display distasteful graphics or messages. Shirts with collars are encouraged.
Tobacco & alcohol: Use of such substances, including electronic cigarettes, is strictly prohibited and will subject a user to penalty or disqualification.
In general: These guidelines have been adopted to protect the players and encourage fair competition. Parental and spectator interference could result in penalties and/or disqualification for a contestant. Further, any non-compliance with these guidelines could cause a spectator to be asked to leave the course (and, possibly, lose future spectator privileges).
Spectators MAY NOT:
- Walk in a fairway or onto a tee or a green
- Give advice or rulings to a contestant or caddie
- Interact with a contestant in any way during a round as it could be misconstrued as advice or an attempt to provide an advantage
- Interfere with play of any group while on the course
- Use or be under the influence of alcohol or tobacco
Spectators may: Help look for golf balls, to carry water, towels and umbrellas, etc., and to seek help from a rules or tournament official.
Golf Carts: Due to lack of paved paths and limited number of such vehicles, golf carts are not available for general spectator or contestant use. Carts will be used for tournament operations only. A limited number of carts will be made available to disabled spectators on a case-by-case basis. Submit the “Request for Handicap Cart” form at least 10 days prior to the start of the tournament to be considered.
Cell phones: To avoid distracting players, spectators are requested to keep cell phones in “silent mode” and to limit their use on the course.
The 14 club rule is waived.
Lost ball: If a player's ball cannot be found and identified within 5 minutes, the player must drop a ball within two club links of where the original ball should have been found… add one stroke to the player's score and play on.
Lateral hazard: Lateral relief allows the player to drop a ball into a relief area measured from where your ball last crossed the edge of the red lined penalty area. From that reference point, the player is allowed to drop outside the penalty area within two club-lengths of that spot, no nearer to the hole (USGA Rule 17.1d(3)). Add one stroke to the player’s score and play on.
EXCEPTION: Hole #7 — If a player’s tee shot crosses the red lateral hazard line painted along the north side of the hole between the #7 tee and Lick Creek, or crosses the red lateral hazard lines defining Lick Creek, the player is to proceed to the drop area on the west side of Lick Creek and play from the designated drop area and add one stroke to their score.
Out of bounds: For two penalty strokes, a player can estimate the spot where his/her ball is lost or went out of bounds and then find the nearest fairway edge that is not nearer the hole than the estimated spot. The player can drop a ball in the fairway within two club-lengths of that fairway edge point, or anywhere between there and the estimated spot where the ball is lost or went out of bounds.
Ground under repair: Enclosed painted white lines define “ground under repair” (USGA Rule #16.1). If a ball is found in a ground under repair area, the player is allowed a “free drop” from the nearest point of relief (including stance) plus one club’s length. The drop should be made from knee height and no closer to the hole. No penalty is incurred.
The painted lines are considered part of the subject area. Even though they may not be painted, other areas of “ Ground Under Repair “ may include newly sodded areas, trenches filled with stones or sand (French drains), fire ant beds, and mounds caused by burrowing animals.
No play zones: The OPJO rules committee has designated areas on the course as “no play zones.” Simply drop a ball 2 club lengths from the point at which the ball entered the “no play zone” and play on. Relief from these areas is mandatory, and no penalty is incurred.
Sand in the “XBox” on #5 and in the “Heartbreak Hotel Complex” on #8 is not deemed to be in the “No Play Zone”. Players must play the ball as it lies from inside these bunkers.
If a contestant does play a shot from a “no play zone,” a penalty of two strokes must be added to his/her score on the hole on which the infraction incurred.